Theres Zebras On My Skirt

Worn on April 21st, 2011

My posts are all sorts of crazy out of order. This is actually what I wore Thursday when we drove home. I was originally going to try and save this post (I have something pretty cool lined up soon), but I couldn’t help it.

When I spotted this skirt at Goodwill, I literally squealed. BEST.FIND.EVER. It may be hard to tell, but those are little zebras all over it. I’m a sucker for anything with safari animals on it. 

tee: Express

skirt: thrifted

bag: THEIT

belt: H&M

heels: Forever21

A Simple Pairing

worn on April 23rd, 2011

These shoes may not be the best paring for this dress. But I was in desperate need for some comfort. We had our engagement party earlier this day, and I wore my polka dot tights and Chanel flats with this dress. But when we got done, it was so warm out, and my feet were killing me from a very bust past few days. So I figured it would be a good time to debut my new Toms. Everyone was right - they are soooooo comfy! Exactly what my feet needed :)

dress: H&M

shoes: Toms

Photos from home.... again

So I was home again this past weekend for the second time this month. We booked our venue, had our engagement party (and I didn’t take any pictures. whoops), went to the casino for my birthday, and painted my face for the sabres game. For some reason, I’m horrible at taking outfit photos when I’m home. Even though I have all my stuff to do it. Sorry about that. I do have one more, but I haven’t gotten around to editing them yet. But, as last time, heres a few other photos from the weekend:

traveling in style / card games with the family

brother is hilarious during Sabres games / tacos for my birthday dinner!

bunny birthday cake! / scenery at home

heading into Canada for a little birthday gambling / Sass-a-frass checking out my outfit photo session

Sorry I don’t have a cute easter sunday outfit to show you. This is actually what I looked like on sunday. In our neck of the woods, a hockey playoff game trumps most everything.

A Guest Post

Oh, Hey! Sorry for being MIA again, but I’m on my way home now and everything should be back to normal soon. I have so many posts in my Bloglovin’ to catch up on, and a few posts that I need to put together for you guys myself. 

But today you can find me over at Rochelle Approved with a post on 3 ways to wear neon. Heres a sneak peak:

How could you not wanna go check it out now?

Its my b-earth-day

worn on April 22nd, 2011

Hey- Its my birthday! Woot Woot! I accept gifts in the form of shoes and money :)

Anywho, it was a pretty laid back birthday. We did view our first venue for the wedding (and booked it!!!!! yay!). Next on the list was lunch with my momma and Boo, visiting some family, and then my momma made me the dinner of my choice - tacos. Of course. I love tacos. Now… just relaxing and watching the Sabres game (duh). Simple, but I like it. 

Oh, and happy Earth day!

P.S - it was sooooo cold when we took these pictures. Can you tell?:

tee and tights: Urban Outfitters

cardigan: JCrew

skirt: made by me

belt: H&M

flats: Chanel

How Very Pinteresting

You all know about Pinterest by now, right? Well, if you don’t, I’m going to tell you about it. And if you do…. I’m going to tell you about it anyway. I have folder after folder on my computer saved with so many images. You know what I’m talking about. Anything pretty… right click/save. Its how I roll. Imagine my delight when I started to hear about this website - Pinterest - where you can store all of those images into organized virtual boards. I was desperate to get an invite. It was all I could think about. I wanted to pin so badly! Well thankfully, my invite came…. and now I am a pinterest addict. 

I’ve talked about this site on here before, but Pinterest contacted me and asked me to do a post about my boards. And since I probably would be talking about it anyway, I said why not!

What I love about Pinterest, is not only can I see all these images in one spot, but it automatically links back to its original source. Which is the biggest problem with saving them to my computer. And doesn’t everything so nice when its all pretty and organized?

I have 9 boards, including a DIY, hair inspiration, home decor ideas, and yummy foods to make. But two of my busiest boards have to be my style inspiration and 'most wanted' boards. I read so many style blogs on a daily basis, that I am constantly seeing so many gorgeous and inspirational outfits that I would love to try myself. Now, all I have to do is simply pin one of the images to this board and I can keep going back to see what I wanna try next! I’ve already replicated one outfit in this post. 

And then of course, in my most wanted, I keep track of all those things that I would love to own. Whether or not I ever actually do. For those of you that like to keep to a list when you go shopping, this is perfect.  

And personally, I have also found Pinterest a great place to keep track of my wedding inspiration. Now in the beginning of my wedding planning, I constantly go back to this board for ideas, and to make sure everything I’m doing flows with the mood I am going for. Seriously, the best thing I could ask for. 

Phew, that was a lot!

But does Pinterest sound right up your alley? Well, the site is invite only. But guess what? Leave a comment for me telling me what you would use Pinterest for with your email address, and you could receive an invite from Pinterest in your mailbox!* Good luck, you have until Wednesday the 27th to leave your comment. 

*Again, Pinterest did ask me to write this post. They will be featuring one of my boards, along with other fashion bloggers boards, and are offering up to 15 invites for you guys. 

Another Day

worn on April 18th, 2011

Sorry folks, not much to say today. Monday was a another easy, simple day. 

And how many times can I feature this bag in outfit posts? I should start keeping count. Or maybe I should do a ‘whats in my bag’ post. Hmmmmm.

top: Diane von Furstenberg

jeans: Gap

hair clip: Anthropologie

bag: THEIT

Dressed Up Sunday

worn on April 16th, 2011

Ok, not really dressed up, but considering I believe sundays are for sweatpants or jeans and tee shirts, this was an accomplishment for me. The reason - we went into Boston in the morning to meet my BFF and her boy for a little brunch. It was fantastic to see her, and my breakfast was delicious!

And I can finally cross a jean jacket off my wish list! Boo thinks its funny. He says it looks pretty 90’s-ish. I say…. cool. I do think I might take it in on the sides a bit. It might be a little too boxy for me. But I’m happy I finally got one! Good ol’ Goodwill :)

P.S - don’t forget to enter the giveaway over at The Daily Fashionista to a bow tie necklace from my shop! 

jacket: Gap, thrifted

tee: Express

skirt: Urban Outfitters, Buffalo Exchange

bag: THEIT

shoes: Blowfish