Turkey Day And Little Facts


worn on November 24th, 2011

This is what I wore on Thanksgiving day. Ta-daaaaaa. 

Ok, now its time for a three little facts link up with Rebecca


Turkey Day : I don’t mind turkey and traditional thanksgiving day food. But its not my favorite. After having turkey and all the fixins’ earlier in the day, our second thanksgiving day meal was smoked venison. Yummmm. I like the untraditional!

Ninja Turtles: I LOVED the ninja turtles as a little kid. I mean OBSESSED. I was a very very shy kid, and didn’t talk much. But I could tell you everything there was to know about those turtles. 

Music: This one time, at band camp…. just kidding :) But I did go to orchestra camp all throughout high school, so I guess thats the same thing. Nerd. 

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scarf: H&M

henley: American Apparel (stolen from Boo)

skirt: American Apparel; Buffalo Exchange

shoes: Qupid; Lulus.com



worn on November 21st, 2011

This is what I wore for our eight hour drive home last monday. Oversized tee and stretch pants for comfort, and many many layers…. because I ran out of room in our suitcase. Ha. 

These photos were actually taken after the eight hours in the car, once we got home. So I’m surprised theres no coffee stains or what not all over my shirt. Usually, with multiple coffee stops and eating our breakfast and lunch on the go, I tend to get my food and drink all over me in the process. So I’m pretty proud of myself. You know, for not being a slob :)

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tee: Modcloth

henley: American Apparel (stolen from Boo)

shirt: Old Navy

pants: Gap

belt: Gap

purse: Macy’s

boots: Forever21

In My Life : Home Time

Photo Nov 21, 11 48 30 AM Untitled-1 Untitled-3 Untitled-2 Photo Nov 24, 7 14 53 PM Untitled-4

Untitled-5 Photo Nov 26, 6 44 09 PM Photo Nov 26, 8 50 56 PM

from the top…

Oy, another 8 hour drive to Buffalo. I tried to keep myself busy by editing photos and and queuing up posts on the go. Until I shorted the fuse in our pluggy-thing. Awesome. But it got better when the very first thing I did when we got into Western New York was get some Tim Horton’s coffee. Nothing says home like some Timmy Ho’s. 

Most of my week at home was just spent relaxing. I spent a lot of time in my pajamas and lounging around with Kiki. Even Thanksgiving was low-key. Dinner at my dads and then tv time with the brother. 

And the best way to finish off a week at home - A Sabres game, of course!

On My Wish List This Year

Are any of you out Black Friday shopping today? I can’t handle it. I’m more of a Cyber Monday shopper :)

Heres just a peek at a few things I am wishing for this Christmas:

1. Another iphone case. I adore this Kate spade one. And this JCrew one. 

2. Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens

3. Big, comfy, cozy sweaters. Like this one. 

4. A pair of black leather boots - I think I’ve decided on these DV ones!

5. Aaaaah, an Epiphanie camera bag. Because I take my camera with me everywhere these days. And one camera bag isn’t enough :)

6. Oh my goodness, Isn’t this teddy bear hat just the cutest?

7. I’m obsessed with Terrariums. Seen here and here

8. I think these iphone/Ipod docks are so cool! Blends right in on the bookshlef :)


p.s - don’t forget that if you are looking for a cute, inexpensive, handmade gift - I am offering free shipping on any item in my store for the holiday season. Just use the coupon code HAPPYHOLIDAYS11

I Believe In You So Much, I Could Die For The Words That You Say


worn on November 20th, 2011

How was everyones Thanksgiving?

I’m going back to last weekend with what I wore to the Chris Carrabba solo show. Dashboard Confessional was my absolute favorite throughout high school and college, and that hasn’t changed. I still love that man! *swoon*


P.S - I found a really big leaf…..

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blazer: Anthropologie

tee: Gap

shorts: DIY cut off Citizens of Humanity

tights: H&M

necklace: Urban Outfitters

shoes: Jeffrey Campbell; Buffalo Exchange

Wedding Wednesday - Save The Date DIY

Hopefully, everyone that I mailed one too has received theirs by now. So I can show you how I made my Save The Dates!

I know - I’m actually a bit early with these. But I’ve been planning them out since august, and I couldn’t wait any longer to get them done.

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*what I used* :

-photo strips



-glue gun

-tissue paper

-bakers twine



After laminating all of the photos, I cut them into strips and glued a magnet onto the back. After a little wrapping  with some kraft tissue paper and bakers twine, they were ready to be slipped into their envelopes and mailed out. 

And ta-da! I really love the way they turned out. Exactly what I wanted. They’re super cute, no?

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My Scissor Scarf


worn on November 18th, 2011

This outfit worked better in my head. Not that there is anything wrong with it - It just seemed more exciting when I was planning it out. But I liked it while I was wearing it, and I felt good in it. So that’s all that matters, right? 

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cardigan: JCrew

tank: H&M

belt: H&M

scarf: Snoozer Loser

pants: Gap

shoes: Jeffrey Campbell; Buffalo Exchange

bracelets: handmade; HollyDoll

Top Knot Drama


worn on November 17th, 2011

So, I’ve rocked the top knot quiet a few times now. And I’ve never felt weird wearing my hair this way - until I was editing these photos. Something seemed awkward about it. Is it too tall? Did I go a little excessive with my top know height? Or is it all in my head? How tall is too tall?

But other than that, I reaaaaally love this outfit. It was a happy accident, really. I never thought to pair these two tops together….. until I did. Obvs. And now I know that they were meant to be. 

P.s- As this is being posted, Boo and I are headed back to Buffalo for the week. It doesn’t matter how many times we make this trip, I will never completely get used to these 8 hour car rides. My bum already hurts. 

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sweater: H&M; Buffalo Exchange

shirt: Lauren Ralph Lauren; thrifted

pants: Gap

shoes: Old Navy

bag: THEIT

In My Life


pictures in the park, working on a custom order, packing for the holiday


an outfit without an outfit post, berry banana pancakes for brunch, a giant leaf!


waiting outside for the Dashboard Confessional / Chris Carrabba solo acoustic show, the beautiful man himself

I will forever and always love Chris Carrabba. He is the one band/musician from high school/college that I haven’t grown out of. And I probably never will!