Hunger (and Hockey) Games


The weekend is almost here agaaaaain! Our big plan this weekend? Finally seeing The Hunger Games! I know I’m like a week late on this, but I actually just read the book last week as the movie was coming out. I was late to the game, but I’m totally on the bandwagon now. *Sigh*, let the obsession begin. 

P.S - I’m wearing my blue and yellow today in honor of my Sabres :) They’ve been doing awesome making a huge playoff push recently, and they are making me very happy! Lets Go BUF-A-LO!

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dress: BeBop; Buffalo Exchange

cardigan: H&M

necklace: shopHollyDolly

tights: Urban Outfitters

booties: Target

What I Wore: Blog Better Boston


Here we go - what I wore to the conference this past saturday. I’m really happy with what I put together, and it actually may be one of my favorite outfits as of late. 

I actually picked this top up at Buffalo Exchange just two days before. I wasn’t going to at first, seeing as I already have a polka dot problem. But I couldn’t resist. And I’m glad I didn’t!

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top: (unknown)Buffalo Exchange

cardigan: Express

skirt: thrifted

heels: RocketDog

bag: THEIT

In My Life - Blog Better Boston

This weekend I had the pleasure of attending the first (hopefully annual) Blog Better Boston conference. We Bostonians finally got a little taste of all the fun all of you have at TxSC :)

The conference was absolutely fantastic. I honestly learned quite a bit, and came away with pages of notes from each session. You may notice some changes around here soon. They’ll be subtle, but I definitely have plans!

There were also plenty of other memories. I discovered some sweet new glasses from, made some new friends, laughed my butt of as Jamie DIY failed her BBBos tote, and mourned the loss of my cupcake (rip little cupcake).

Thank you SO MUCH Amy and Alana for putting on such a great event. I Can’t wait to see how fun we can have next year!

Hello Friday!


Happy friday! Any plans this weekend?

I’m going to be pretty busy myself. Tomorrow is Blog Better Boston, which I am super duper excited about (and you will be hearing about it next week). Will I be seeing any of you Boston ladies there? I hope so! Also, Boo and I will (hopefully) be picking out our wedding bands sometime this weekend.  Yay for crossing things off the wedding to-do list!

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dress: thrifted

top: H&M

shoes: Jeffrey Campbell; Buffalo Exchange

camera bag: Epiphanie Bags

bracelets: handmade

Sunshine and Bare Legs

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I’m officially in love with this weather. Please don’t let it go away, please please pleeeease. 

…….ok, I already know it is going to. I’m just hoping if I beg enough, maybe do a little sunshine dance, mother nature might throw me a bone. I mean, thats how it works, right?

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dress: Red Valentino; Buffalo Exchange

tee: Target

shoes: Shoemint (won in a giveaway)

bracelet: Fusing Colors

Lucky Streak


Maybe it was my Irish luck coming out around St. Pattys, but I have had some major luck with online giveaways lately. I’ve won five pairs of shoes. FIVE. Along with a few other things, too. And these Blowfish babies are one of them. I’ve kind of become obsessed with floral print shoes this spring, so they make me pretty happy.

P.S - can we talk about my lack of tights?! First of the season! Out of nowhere, we started to get summer like weather. And its been amazing :)

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tee: Gap

skirt: Anthropologie

collar: shopHollyDolly (currently sold old. will restock soon!)

purse: Michael Kors (gift)

wedges: Blowfish Shoes (won in a giveaway)