Just a little update on whats going on with this little bloggy here, as well as my etsy shop.

First off, I wanted to streamline my blog and shop a little bit. I realized it could be a little weird and confusing that my blog was called HollyDolly, and my shop was just HollyDoll. I honestly don’t know why I ever even went with two different names in the first place.
So I’ve taken the step and changed my shop name to HollyDolly (or shopHollyDolly) to match the blog. I’ve also changed to URL to http://www.etsy.com/shop/shophollydolly. But no worries, the old URL will redirect.

Well, I finally did it. I gave in and made a Facebook page for HollyDolly. You should head on over and hit the ‘like’ button. No really, you should :)

Next order of business: sponsors.
Another step I’ve decided to take is to start accepting sponsors for the blog. A year and a half after my first post, this little baby of mine is growing. Slowly, but surely. I feel, as the new year approaches, it is the right time to bring this is in.
So, as of this moment I am accepting sponsors for January 2012. If you are interested in sponsoring HollyDolly, shoot me an email at HLKeenan22@gmail.com and I can provide you with all of the information. I am offering very reasonable prices, and I would love to work with you!

Lastly, don’t forget to enter the Shabby Apple giveaway! You have until Monday at 9pm EST to enter. So go now!