Feels Like Summer


This outfit just felt like summer to me. Maybe it was the colors (lime green and pink just scream summer, right?). Or maybe it was the 90 degree weather and the sweat dripping down my face. Probably the latter, but I’m gonna pretend it was the colors. 

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for your chance to win a $75 Shabby Apple gift card


dress: ASOS

sunglasses: H&M

wedges: Forever21

What's In My Makeup Bag


I’ve done a beauty products post before, but I thought I would concentrate this time on what will (most likely) be in my makeup bag the day of the wedding. Some products are the same as the last post, some are new!

I will be doing my own makeup on my wedding day. I’m very minimal when it comes to makeup - I don’t like feeling over-done. And I don’t want that to be any different for my wedding. It may be a big day, But I still want to look like me, after all. So here we go……


I go through all the basic steps for my face- moisturizer, primer, foundation, coverup, highlighter/blush. But for my eyes, I keep it even simpler. I don’t like eyeshadow. I like to keep it at just eyeliner and mascara. I’ve tried all kinds of eyeliner - pencil, liquid, etc. But honestly, I’ve found I much prefer just some black eyeshadow and a thin (damp) brush. I feel I have more control. 

And then, of course, I finish off with my lips. I have extremely dry, peeling lips. All.The.Time. So I like a good lip scrub. I scrub, immediately put on a moisturizer, and then immediately put on lipstick. It’s the only way, for me, to wear lipstick and actually have my lips look normal. 




Burt’s Bees’ Radiance Day Lotion

Smashbox Photo Finish Primer

Benefit Cosmetics Hello Flawless Liquid Foundation

Benefit Cosmetics Erase Paste coverup

Benefit Cosmetics High Beam higlighter

Stila All Over Shimmer Duo in Kitten



Stila eyeshadow in black (for eyeliner)

Diorshow mascara

Smashbox Eye Brightener



Smashbox lip scrub

First Aid Beauty Lip Therapy

Rimmel London Lasting Finish Lipstick in Airy Fairy (most likely what I will be wearing wedding day)

Revlon Color Burst Lip Butter in Lollipop (my absulute favorite at the moment)



Essie nail polish in Limo-scene

**CLOSED** A Shabby Apple GIVEAWAY

Hi friends! Did you that this up coming weekend HollyDolly turns two?! Well it does! It’s a blog birthday! And what better way to celebrate a birthday than with a fantastic giveaway!

Shabby Apple has contacted me to offer one of you a $75 dollar gift card to their site, to spend on whatever your little heart desires. How amazing is that?! Shabby Apple has the cutest collection of vintage inspired dresses, skirts, tops, even swimwear and childrens. So much to choose from!

Heres how to enter………


1. Please ‘like’ the Shabby Apple Facebook page, Leave a comment here telling me you’ve done so, along with your email address. 

Extra Entries (separate comment per entry):

2. Take a look around at Shabby Apple, and let me know what your favorite item is!

3. Follow HollyDolly on Bloglovin’

4. Follow HollyDolly on Facebook

5. Follow HollyDolly on Twitter


That’s 5 possible entries - one mandatory entry, and four bonus opportunities! Please leave a separate comment per entry. Also, please leave comments in the Disqus form, Tumblr comments will not be counted. 


**Winner must have a U.S shipping address to be eligible. Giveaway will close on Sunday, July 1st at 5pm EST. Winner will be announced the following day. Good luck!

edit: giveaway is closed. winner has been announced here

Crop and Swap


Confession: I absolutely LOVE the crop top trend going on right now. LOVE. IT. 

It’s just, when I actually got around to trying it myself, I felt a wee bit self conscious. But, with everything I have going on right now, I didn’t even have time to think about it. So I braved it - I hiked up my skirt, threw on a cardi (ok, not really. It was 100 degrees out. The cardi barely lasted 5 minutes), and headed out to this month’s Dress Swap hosted by the Swapaholics. 


If you are in the Boston area, don’t forget that these swaps are being held monthly! Don’t forget to check out the schedule, and Follow the Swapaholics on Twitter and Facebook so you don’t mix the next one. 


cropped top: Anthropologie

skirt: Anthropologie

cardigan: JCrew -similar

bag: c/o The Swapaholics

heels: Seychelles (won in a giveaway)

Seagulls and Stripes


Boo and I ventured out to the beach this weekend. It wasn’t the most ideal beach day- it was a bit chilly and incredibly windy (hence the really stringy, gross hair). But it was practically empty, and therefore really quiet and peaceful. So we cuddled up under the blanket and gave names to the seagulls as they wandered about around us. There was Bob 1and Bob 2, and Frank, among others. We’re real original with names, obviously. 


dress: JCrew (crewcuts)

hat: Forever21

flats: Blowfish Shoes (won in a giveaway)

In My Life - To NY And Back Again

Just a peek into my very eventful weekend. 


I traveled to NYC friday morning. And then back to Boston friday night. With just a few hours in between for a dress fitting, some shopping, and a visit to my old school.


We worked our butts off on more wedding related projects. Only 19 more days now! 


And we managed to make a trip out the beach on a windy, but quiet and relaxing day. 



How was your weekend?

Are you on Instagram? Follow along! My username is : hollyjollydolly