What's In My Makeup Bag


I’ve done a beauty products post before, but I thought I would concentrate this time on what will (most likely) be in my makeup bag the day of the wedding. Some products are the same as the last post, some are new!

I will be doing my own makeup on my wedding day. I’m very minimal when it comes to makeup - I don’t like feeling over-done. And I don’t want that to be any different for my wedding. It may be a big day, But I still want to look like me, after all. So here we go……


I go through all the basic steps for my face- moisturizer, primer, foundation, coverup, highlighter/blush. But for my eyes, I keep it even simpler. I don’t like eyeshadow. I like to keep it at just eyeliner and mascara. I’ve tried all kinds of eyeliner - pencil, liquid, etc. But honestly, I’ve found I much prefer just some black eyeshadow and a thin (damp) brush. I feel I have more control. 

And then, of course, I finish off with my lips. I have extremely dry, peeling lips. All.The.Time. So I like a good lip scrub. I scrub, immediately put on a moisturizer, and then immediately put on lipstick. It’s the only way, for me, to wear lipstick and actually have my lips look normal. 




Burt’s Bees’ Radiance Day Lotion

Smashbox Photo Finish Primer

Benefit Cosmetics Hello Flawless Liquid Foundation

Benefit Cosmetics Erase Paste coverup

Benefit Cosmetics High Beam higlighter

Stila All Over Shimmer Duo in Kitten



Stila eyeshadow in black (for eyeliner)

Diorshow mascara

Smashbox Eye Brightener



Smashbox lip scrub

First Aid Beauty Lip Therapy

Rimmel London Lasting Finish Lipstick in Airy Fairy (most likely what I will be wearing wedding day)

Revlon Color Burst Lip Butter in Lollipop (my absulute favorite at the moment)



Essie nail polish in Limo-scene

A Beauty Product Post

I thought I would do something different today, and give you a look at some of my favorite beauty products that I use. I’m still playing around with a few different products, but for now- this is my routine. 

As far as skin care, I keep it pretty simple (I think, at least). I’ve been using Burt’s Bees for awhile, and absolutely love it. 


Clean & Clear Morning Burst I start out with this face wash. It feels good and really does wake me up in the morning.

Burt’s Bees Garden Tomato Toner - I especially love this in the summer. It cools me down. 

Burt’s Bees Radiance Day Lotion - my face can get pretty dry, and I’ve never had a problem with this lotion feeling too heavy, or anything. Works perfect. 


I start by removing any makeup with basic makeup remover pads (not pictured).

Burt’s Bees Radiance Night Creme - I’m not really sure if this does anything, but I like to think it does. 

Burt’s Bees Radiance Eye Creme  

I don’t really wear much makeup. Most days its just mascara, a little lip color, and a bit of cover up (if necessary). If I feel like it, I might do a little eye liner and color on my cheeks too. 

Stila Cover Up Stick

Stila All Over Shimmer Duo - I like this because its 2 colors and I can use it on my cheeks or eyes. 

Stila Eyeshadow - I used black eye shadow as eyeliner. I like a smudgier look. 

Diorshow Mascara - I. Love. This stuff. Seriously, best mascara I’ve ever tried. I’ve used it for a couple years now, and I doub;t I’ll ever use anything different. 

Smashbox Emulsion Lip Exfoliant - I have a dry lips issue. I feel like this stuff actually helps, and its minty!

Smashbox Lip Treatment - I’ve replaced my chapstick with this and I love it. Although I still use my Burt’s Bees chapstick sometimes. 

Smashbox Photo Finish Lipstick - I’m kinda new to lipstick (because of my dry, flaky lips), but so far I like this. The one pictured is Delightful (sheer berry). But I just got Legendary (true red) the other day and it both excites and scares me at the same time. 


other items pictured:

The All Nighter Brown Hair Powder - I don’t shower everyday, and I use this powder to make my hair look a lot less greasy than it actually is. 

Nina Ricci ‘Nina’ Perfume - So pretty. Both fruity and floral. 

Tom’s deodorant - Confession- I bought this deodorant solely based on the fact the Linda uses it. True story. I was using Dove deodorant, but I was out. And when I went to the store for a new one, and was standing in front of all of them, I spotted Tom’s and recognized it from Linda posting it in her own beauty routine post. So I bought it. So thank you Linda, for influencing both my style, and the smell of my armpits.