Sand and Sunflowers (and a Birthday Boo!)


Today is Boo’s birthday! 

Booboo - thanks for telling me you like my hair anyway, even though I know you hate the fact that I keep cutting it short. And thanks for driving around for 40 minutes to find that field of sunflowers we passed earlier in the day, just so I could take a few photos. And for being in the photos with me. I know you hate that, too.You have to admit, though - it was worth it. Wasn’t it? For all of that, I’ll have to make you some special birthday blondie bars. Or maybe cupcakes. Or maybe both :) 

Happy birthday, Boo!










dress: Ruche

vest: Old Navy

glasses: Warby Parker

sandals: Shoemint

bag: Ona Bags

swim top: Abercrombie

swim bottoms: American Apparel

Lust List: Cold Weather Accessories

coldFloral hat - Bear hat - Teal gloves - Fur stole - Tan and Red gloves - Mint Pom hat - Leopard scarf - Heart earmuffs 

Ok, so it’s not that cold out…… yet. Actually, I think it’s supposed to get up into the high 60’s here in Boston by tomorrow (yay!). But I know the cold is coming. And soon. And I’m shivering just thinking about it. I’m a baby when it comes to the cold, so I try to make up for it with some cute cold weather accessories. At least I’ll be shivering with style. 

The Downside


As much as I was looking forward to fall, I actually really dread the weather. Sure, I love my new wardrobe possibilities, apple picking, and pumpkin lattes as much as the next blogger person. But the first day of really cold, rainy, dreary weather, and I’m whining and crying like a baby.  And I’ll whine and cry my way through all of fall and winter. #truth. 





shirt: Ruche

jacket: c/o Sheinside

scarf: gift from my sister

bow: shopHollyDolly

shorts: DIY-ed

tights: Express

boots: Express