Memorial Day Fun

worn on May 30th, 2011

Oh hey! Hope everyone had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend! We’ve been living in Boston for about 9 months now, and we’ve barely visited any of the historic sites, etc. Theres so much to see!  So Boo and I spent Memorial Day at Minute Man National Park. We walked the Battle Road trail, had a little picnic, and had some fun with photos. 

Told you we had fun with photos. We probably looked like fools standing in front of a tripod jumping around and being silly as people walked by on the trail. But it was all fun. Until I saw a snake and ran screaming in the other direction. Holly fact…. my 3 biggest fears: 1. snakes 2. driving 3. talking on the phone to people I don’t know. I know, I’m a weirdo. 

top: thrifted MICHAEL Michael Kors

dress: Gap

hat: Quincy Market- Boston, MA

sandals: Jeffrey Campbell

The One Where I Don't Look At The Camera

worn on May 28th, 2011

Apparently, The camera didn’t deserve eye contact this day. Just kidding…. I actually wasn’t feeling very well so I wasn’t so much in the mood to be taking these photos. But its all good. 

I wore this little 70’s inspired outfit to go see The Hangover 2 with the Boo. And then lay on the couch the rest of the day. Speaking of that, we started watching the Six Feet Under box set that my sister sent me. Did anyone watch it? I really love Michael C. Hall, so I have high hopes!

tank and sunglasses: Urban Outfitters

jeans: Gap

Color Blocked

worn on May 27th, 2011

Date night! Boo and I went out to dinner, and we did a bit of walking to get there. So I tried to keep it light and summer-y because it was suuuuper warm out. I picked up both this tee and skirt the other day during my thrifting excursion. It seems I now collect brightly colored pencil skirts. I have now thrifted 3. I’m on a roll, people. On a roll.

And look- Milkmaid braids!! My first attempt. Not the greatest, but still really fun. 

tee: thrifted

skirt: thrifted

belt: Anthropologie

sunglasses: H&M

sandals: Urban Outfitters

Another Pinspiration

worn on May 26th, 2011

You guys have seen this pin floating around on Pinterest, right? I really couldn’t wait any longer to give re-creating it a shot. Really, I don’t own similar things to everything in the outfit- only the chambray shirt and polka dot skirt. So I had to work with what I have. But I still super love it. 

Remember how I said I had the evening to myself? Yeah, well Boo never went to his work dinner. So while I did get my thrifting and Starbucks fix in, I didn’t get my Chipotle dinner and ridiculous movie watching. But thats ok, because it also meant Boo could take my photos after all! So we skipped off to the park ( we didn’t actually skip, but we should have), and I had a grand ole time sliding down baby slides and hugging random lamb statues. Good times. 

shirt: Forever21

skirt: handmade by me

belt: came with another skirt

shoes: Urban Outfitters

A Day To Myself

worn on May 24th, 2011

Wooooo! Its finally warm :)

Todays a me day. Boo has a work dinner, so after I run a few errands I’m gonna go do a little thrifting, grab some starbucks, maybe pick up some Chipotle for dinner, and eat  in front of the tv while I watch something ridiculous on netflix. Because I can.

tee: H&M

shorts and headband: Anthropologie

heels: Mix no. 6 via DSW

Fall In Spring

worn on May 23rd, 2011

This is usually a fall skirt for me - probably because of the colors. But I saw it sitting in my closet and thought I’d give it a shot. Spring-ify it, if you will. Actually, its not much different than how i would wear it in fall. Just minus the tights. Haha, oh well. I tried. 

blazer and belt: Express

tank: H&M

skirt: forever21

socks: Urban Outfitters

shoes: Madden girl via DSW


worn on May 20th, 2011

Sunshine! Warmness! Finally a nice evening. I was so excited to put on pretty clothes. Boo  and I wanted to take advantage of it so we headed into Boston for date night. I was so excited to put on pretty clothes!

We headed to our favorite spot for french onion soup (sooooo good) and then kinda decided on a whim to go see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. In Imax. On opening night. There were at least 4 Jack Sparrows in the theater with us, as well as numerous other pirates. It was pretty amusing.

P.S- this is my new favorite skirt. Its so flowy and silky and the color is awesome. I think I’m in love. 

top: Anthropologie

skirt: H&M

shoes: Urban Outfitters

bag: THEIT

More About the Rain. Because What Else Is There To Talk About, Really.

worn on May 19th, 2011

I though I was catching a little break in the rain when I ran outside to take these pictures. But I was apparently imagining things, because it was coming down pretty good. 

I’m sick of complaining about the rain. It should go away now. 

tunic: American apparel

cardigan: vintage - it was my grandma’s

jeans: BCBGeneration

scarf: thrifted Anne Klein

belt: H&M

shoes: c/o Big Buddha