In My Life


» This week on Megan Nielsen Design Diary: a mason jar pin cushion DIY (above), and a hand sewn hems tutorial.

» Earlier this week, I was featured on the Modcloth Blog with my favorite vintage find. Check it out here

» You guys, it is supposed to be warm this weekend. And by warm, I mean, like, 55 degrees. I’m going to all crazy and not wear any tights. And I’m super excited about it. 

» Don’t forget - you can follow along with HollyDolly via Bloglovin’ here!



In My Life


» This week on Megan Nielsen Design Diary, it was all about scallops : a scallop tutorial, a scalloped hem, and a scalloped collar (above). 

» The winners of the Firmoo giveaway have been announced and notified!

» Are you fashion or style blogger in the Boston / New England area? Have you gotten your ticket to the Blog Better Boston : Style Summit yet? You should get on that! It’s going to be a pretty awesome day :)

» Amanda of Indie Jane recently featured my outfit in her “things I love" post, and also introduce me to these teas. They have collections based around the Harry Potter and Hunger Games characters. And now I think I need all of them. 

» In other news : there is still snow on the ground, and I am listening to JT’s 20/20 Experience on repeat (like everyone else on the planet, I’m pretty sure). 









This skirt is my latest project for Megan Nielsen Design Diary. But I was pretty much in love with the skirt and this outfit, so I thought I would share it here too. It’s the Kelly Skirt pattern, with a scalloped hem variation. You can see my scallop tutorial here, and this outfit over at Design Diary here. Hop on over and take a peek!








shirt: Urban Outfitters

skirt: handmade using Megan Nielsen’s Kelly Skirt pattern. See scallop tutorial here

necklace: shopHollyDolly

boots: Target

Spring Wishlist


————————————— one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine ————————————— 

This weather is depressing me. So I’m making up for it with some delusional, pretend shopping. Here’s a look st what is in my fake shopping bag - leather shorts, lots of mint, open toes, and giraffes (obviously). And more glasses, too. I may already have 3 pairs, but I am now convinced that I need a little bit of color.  

What’s on your Spring shopping bag?


St. Paddy's


I’m not a drinker. So I spent my St. Paddy’s day making brownies, craft shopping, and editing photos. But I still had to get some obligatory green mixed into my outfit yesterday and show some Irish pride. I didn’t want to let down my Irish heritage completely. 

How was your St. Paddy’s day? Safe, I hope!




tee: Gap

hat: Urban Outfitters

necklace: shopHollyDolly

skirt: vintage

tights: Madewell

boots: Boutique 9