In My Life


» It’s almost here - Goggle reader is officially out the door on Monday. Don’t forget that you can follow along with HollyDolly on Bloglovin’!!

» This week has gone by super fast, which is weird seeing as not a whole lot has been going on. I’ve been working on some sewing and crafting…. and that’s about it. I told you it’s been super exciting. 

» I’d like to welcome a new sponsor to HollyDolly….. Olive and Frank! Olive and Frank is a UK based online store that is looking to expand their audience. So head on over and take a look at their shop. I think this smock dress is really cute!

»  Are you on Instagram? Follow along! My username is : hollyjollydolly

I've Got Pineapple On A Cloudy Day


Second beach day in a week span. But I’m not complaining :). This time around was a lot more cloudy, but it was rather quite nice. It was still nice and warm, but without the overwhelming, burning hot sun. 

I’m definitely looking forward to as many beach days we can possibly fit in these summer weekends. Who knows, maybe we’ll even squeeze one in this weekend, too :). It gives me a chance to wear all my swimwear that I went a little crazy with this year. I couldn’t help it - I am completely obsessed with the longline bikini trend going on right now! They are peeeerfect for covering up my sunken chest (and no, mine is not quite as bad as that wiki photo. But it does make me self conscious. So if I can cover it up without resorting to a tankini or one-piece, I’m a happy girl!). 











bikini top: Topshop

bikini bottom: American Apparel

hat: Target

jacket: H&M

skirt: American Apparel

shoes: Swedish Hasbeens via Modcloth

Stained Glass


Isn’t this dress the prettiest? A few weeks ago, I got a surprise gift card from the lovely people over at Paypal, and I waited patiently until this dress came in stock so I could use it. 

And it didn’t disappoint. It’s so puuuuurdy. 








dress: Modcloth (gift card c/o Paypal)

shirt: Urban Outfitters

necklace: LOFT (c/o gift card)

wedges: Seychelles via Modcloth (gift card c/o Paypal)

In My Life


» Things have been a little quite around here. Nothing crazy going on. Just life. It’s summer time and I’m ready to enjoy it! I’m talking beach weekends, afternoons on the river, and lots and lots of ice cream.

» Boo was out of town for a couple of weeks, and I’m glad to have him back. Me and Henry were a little lonely without him. I also had one of my BFFs visiting last weekend. We soaked up the sun on the beach, spent way too much money at SoWa, and worked on some of her wedding projects. The weekend went by way too fast!

» Speaking of SoWa, we discovered Stern Design Works' jewelry and quickly became obsessed with them. I did purchase a necklace for myself, so I'm sure you will be seeing it around here soon. 

» Something new added to my wishlist : these wedges. Get in my closet, please!

» Are you on Instagram? Follow along! My username is : hollyjollydolly


loftpants1 copy

I’ve been contemplating these pants for quite some time now. Since the Loft event back in April, actually. Amy was wearing them and looked ridiculously adorable. And comfortable. It may have taken me 2 months to finally add them to my own closet, but let tell you - they are comfortable. Like wearing pajamas. You know, if you normally wear heels with your pajamas.  



tee: ASOS

pants: LOFT

hair bow: shopHollyDolly

wedges: Lulu’s

Team Coco


Let me tell you about my morning routine…..

» I wake up, and cuddle with Henry for a bit. 

» I get up and make some breakfast and/or coffee. 

» I take said breakfast, and go and get all comfy on the couch. Blanket, more Henry cuddles, the works. 

» I turn on the previous night’s episode of Conan. 

» I eat, check emails, and schedule the days blog and social media posts while laughing at Conan in the background. 

And then my day goes on - bla bla bla. But I always start my day with a little Coco. I remember staying up late at night in High School to watch him on Late Night. That’s when I made my first Conan tee, which I eventually grew out of. So Boo helped me make this gem of a shirt a few years ago. I’m still wearing it, and I’m still watching him, religiously, today. Love, love, love me some Coco. True story.


cardigan: C&C California

tee: DIY-ed a few years ago

skirt: LOFT (c/o gift card)

belt: Anthropologie

shoes: c/o Big Buddha

Etsy Favorites : Volume 1


1. Striped Baralette by Eleven by Elu2. Yellow Sandals by Tamar Shalem - 3. Pastel Feather Necklace by Noemiah

4. Opal Necklace by Clydes Rebirth5. Be Brave Shadow Box by Sadly Harmless6. Sweathshirt by Kin Ship Goods


I have an Etsy addiction. A hardcore Etsy addiction. There is so many awesome things out there, it can be a little overwhelming sometimes. So I’ve decided that every once in a while i’llI share with you some of the awesomness that I come across. Handmade and vintage, my favorites are full of amazing shops. So pay them a visit, take a look around, and spread the love!