Best of 2011

I still have a couple outfits left from last week, but I thought I would do a quick post of some of my favorite outfits of 2011. A little recap, if you will. So without further ado - my 21 of 2011:

I hop you all have a fantastic New Years Eve. We are actually headed back to Boston today, so no big parties or sparkly dresses for me. Instead, I’m going to be spending the day in the car, ordering pizza when we get back, and hoping I can even stay awake until midnight :)

Red Riding Hood

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worn on December 29th, 2011

Boo did pretty good this year. If you follow me on Instagram (username: hollyjollydolly), you may have seen the new iphone case he got me for Christmas. Well, he also got me this cape. Pretty, right? I refer to it as my little red riding hood cape. I guess I have next years halloween costume already started!

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cape: American Apparel; christmas gift

tee: Gap

jeans: BCBGeneration

necklace: Little Pancakes

bracelets: InPink

shoes: c/o Big Buddha

Buffalo Wing Snob

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worn on December 27th, 2011

It really started to snow while we were taking these photos. So pretty!

I wore this out to go get wings with our friends. Boston has really disappointed us in the chicken wing department. Seriously. We have yet to have good wings in that city. So it feels sooooo good to be home in Buffalo and be able to grab some Duffs or Anchor Bar. Ooooooh, its making me hungry just typing this. 

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sweater: H&M

shirt: Ralph Lauren; thrifted

pants: Gap

boots: Dolce Vita; christmas gift

owl ring: gift from my momma

bow ring: gift from Boo

What I Wore: Christmas Day


worn on December 25th, 2011

My Christmas outfit!

I was always one of those kids that had to wear all of my new stuff that I open Christmas morning that day. It wasn’t Christmas day if I wasn’t wearing a new outfit. And that obviously hasn’t changed. I couldn’t wait to sport my new Epiphanie camera bag and my new boots that I received for christmas, so I wore them right away that day! 

I love my THEIT Bossi bag, but it is soooo nice to have a second option for when I carry my camera around. My new Epiphanie Lola is so pretty! These two bags are my babies :)

Oh, and these are also the first photos taken with my new 50mm lens! Also a new love. 


P.S - You can see some of my instagram snapshots from my Christmas here

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dress: BB Dakota; Hautelook

shirt: Zara; Buffalo Exchange

hat and tights: Urban Outfitters

necklace: shopHollyDolly

bag: Epiphanie Bags; christmas gift

boots: Dolce Vita; christmas gift



worn on December 24th, 2011

This outfit was straight up copied from Julie of Orchid Grey. She just looked so cozy and stylish, I couldn’t help myself replicating it.

This outfit also happens to be what I wore on Christmas eve. My brother, Boo, and I spent the evening at my dads house for dinner and exchanging gifts. Good times. 

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sweater: H&M

shirt: Ralph Lauren; thrifted

jeans: BCBGeneration

belt: Coach

boots: Old Navy

Winter White

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worn on December 16th, 2011

I thought I had packed this dress away for the season. Its lightweight and airy, and its white. So obviously I thought of it as a summer only dress. 

But then I saw a few other lovely ladies rocking some white during the cold months, and I realized I needed to pull this baby back out from the back of the closet. Some dark tights and cozy sweater easily transformed it into an appropriate winter outfit. And I couldn’t love it more!

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sweater: Anthropologie

dress: United Colors of Benetton

necklace: Stella & Dot; won in a giveaway

ring: H&M

headband: Modcloth; free gift with purchase

tights: Urban Outfitters

boots: Old Navy

Cold Weather Blogger


worn on December 18th, 2011

Its finally gotten seriously cold here. Fo realz cold.  And all the sudden I don’t remember how to be a style blogger any more. You mean I have to take my jacket off now and look happy and warm and pose all pretty? What?! So, how do I do that again?


Do you follow me on Facebook?

How about Twitter?

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sweater: swapped

skirt: vintage; Twitch Vintage

tights: Anthropologie

wedges: Madden Girl

necklace: Bobbles & Lace

Sparkly Things and a Giveaway Winner


worn on December 17th 2011,

I wore this out and about saturday afternoon. Boo and I thought we would go out, completely not realizing that it was the last weekend before Christmas weekend. Man, oh man, were there a lot of people. Everywhere

We ended up stopping into the jewelry store to look at wedding bands. We didn’t actually buy any - we still have a bit before we have to do that. But it was nice to look around and get an idea of what we might like. Plus, I got to try on a lot of sparkly things, so I had fun. I am just a girl, after all. 


P.S - congrats Michelle Sturdivant! You are the winner of the Shabby Apple giveaway! Shoot me an email at . 

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sweater vest dress -  Kensie; Buffalo Exchange

tee: Gap

tights: H&M

headband: Anthropologie

bag: Spotted Moth

shoes: Jeffrey Campbell; Buffalo Exchange