Oh man, you guys. Do I have a crap ton of photos from our road trip (official amount - crap ton). Hopefully I don’t bore you, but you’re going to be seeing a lot of them over the next couple of weeks. You’ve been warned.
So, we started out with the first day driving from Vegas to the Grand Canyon, stopping along Route 66 on the way. I loved Route 66. So cute. I was running all over the place, discovering all sorts of cutesy little spots. We actually stopped in both Saligman and Williams. And didn’t leave until we got some BBQ, of course. By the time we got to the Grand Canyon, we spent the whole second half of the day driving the scenic route, stopping at all of the look-out points. I swear, no camera can actually capture the real beauty of that place. No pictures do it justice. If you have never been, it should definitely be on your bucket list!

P.S - because I know someone will ask, my overalls are thrifted Levi’s.