These Photos Almost Never Happened

worn on July 28th, 2011

Ok, so these aren’t the best photos. But it was getting later and later in the evening, and Boo still wasn’t home. I thought I was going to go another day without outfit photos. Oh no! But I sucked it up, grabbed my tripod, and ran out to the porch to catch the last few minutes of daylight. 

I love to throw this top on in the summer. Its so light, and airy, and flutter-y. That DVF knows whats up. 

top: Diane von Furstenberg

shorts: Anthropologie

A Lack Of Words

worn on July 26th, 2011

I don’t really have anything to say. Wanna know how interesting my day was? I went to the grocery store, did laundry, sewed for a bit, and then watched a lot of tv. Exciting, I know. 

its hard to tell, but they are hot pink with a silver glitter gradient tip. Another pinspiration

dress: Anthropologie

necklace: made by me. being added to the shop soon.

belt: thrifted

sandals: Urban Outfitters

White Hot Summer

worn on July 22, 2011

I wore this last week during that insane heat wave. I’m pretty sure at this point it was something like 101 degrees out. Which is why I didn’t travel much farther than my porch for these photos. To be honest, I’m surprised I put clothes on at all. I spent most of the day sitting in front of the AC unit in my underwear. Is that TMI?  Too late, now you know. 

top: Nanette Leopre

shorts: JCrew

belt: Coach

flats: Blowfish

Mixing Blues and Greens (EBEW: Thrifted)

worn on July 20th, 2011

Boo and I saw Harry Potter again last night for the 3rd time in less than a week. Don’t judge. We are a bit obsessed and we know it. 

Anyway - this skirt was picked up at Goodwill awhile back and it was one of those perfect finds. An obnoxious color of green, and if fit me flawlessly? How could I pass that up. 

Thrift | Everybody, Everywear

tank: Urban Outfitters

skirt: thrifted

sandals: Coach

'protego totalum' charm: Pretty Little Charms

deathly hallows charm: Madame Poindextra’s

Four Eyes

worn on July 19th, 2011

Two months after trying out my Warby Parker  trial pack, I finally got around to ordering my new real glasses! I’m pretty much in love with them, even if my stepdad said that all I need now are some windshield wipers. Psh, I look gooooooood. 

dress: Tucker for Target

sandals: Urban Outfitters

floral ring: gift from Boo

other ring: Natural History Museum gift shop

When Boo and I were walking home, we spotted this dream catcher hanging from a tree. How cool!

Beach Babies

worn on July 16th, 2011

Boo and I spent a couple of hours at the beach again this past saturday. And then we  went for Harry Potter 7.2 round two. This time in Imax 3D. And it was just as fantastic as the first time. 

p.s- don’t you just love that oh so fashionable band-aid I’m sporting? Thats the result of my fall the night before. 

romper: Peppermint  from Bobbles and Lace

tank: Delias

sunglasses: Urban Outfitters

My Orange Pants

worn on July 15th, 2011

I’ve been so excited to wear these pants since my mom bought them for me while we were home last (thanks mommy!!). So I thought that they would be the perfect thing to wear out to dinner for date night on friday. But they are long and require 4 inch heels. And lately heels have not been my friend. Yep- I bit the dust. Hard. I scraped up and bruised my knee pretty good. But don’t worry…. the pants are ok. 

shirt: Urban Outfitters

pants: Anthropologie

bag: THEIT

ring: Natural History Museum gift shop

P.S-I'm a Nerd

worn on July 14th, 2011

I know that most of you have wondered, at one point in time, how in heavens name does a style blogger wear a graphic tee with a giant photo of a certain red headed wizard? Well its a good thing you have me around.

As you may have guessed, I wore this last night to the Harry Potter double feature/ midnight premiere. Well kind of what I wore. I may or may not be one of those people who show up at the theater in a Hogwarts robe and a wand. 

p.s - I accidently left my ISO turned way up on my camera again. That sucks. 

p.p.s - If were to ever get a tattoo, I’m 98.9% sure that it would be this symbol. 

tee: Hot Topic (thats right, I said Hot Topic)

skirt and belt: H&M

sandals: Urban Outfitters