This Girl Needs A Job


worn on August 26th, 2011

I can’t help but twirl when I wear this skirt. Its a twirly skirt :)

This is what I was wearing friday when I was called for a quick interview. Its a part time position at a very creative and crafty store. It was pretty hard to walk out of there after the interview and not buy something. Seriously, I wanted everything. 

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tank: Marc by Marc Jacobs

skirt: Anthropologie

heels: Forever21

The Orange Pants Are Back


worn on August 24th, 2011

Last time I wore these pants, I bit the dust pretty hard and messed up my knee. Actually, my knee is still kinda purple and weird looking now that the scab is gone. Ha, you can actually see it in photos when I wear shorts or skirts.  But anyway, after that incident, I told myself that I would hem the pants so I wasn’t forced to wear my highest of heels every time.

But I didn’t. And I’m wearing my highest heels again. But this time I didn’t fall.Its a miracle. 

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tank: Urban Outfitters

pants: Anthropologie 

purse: H&M

bracelet: Davis Squared

Sparkly Bows

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worn on August 23rd, 2011

So, here it is- in all its sparkly glory! I was so excited when Linda and I decided to do this little be-dazzling party. Oh, the possibilities were endless! So I picked up this mellow yellow sweatshirt at goodwill, and dug out that package of rhinestones hidden in my craft bin. I knew I wanted to keep it simple and cute because I wanted something that I actually could wear throughout the fall and winter seasons. But I also wanted sparkle! Obviously, a giant bow seemed very fitting for me. I can’t resist big bows!

Theres not much to explain as far as the process. I laid the rhinestones out first, to get an idea of placement. And then I just started gluing!

I also DIY-ed the shorts. I lived in these jeans for yeeears. And it was obvious because I eventually had two giant holes at the knees. Maybe fine for some, but not exactly my style. SO yeah, I finally got around to cutting them up, and now I have new shorts!

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sweatshirt: thrifted and BEDAZZLED!

tank: Gap

shorts: Citizens of Humanity jeans DIY-ed into shorts

bow ring: thrifted

bracelets: gifts

shoes: Blowfish

the before shots

A few Bedazzlers

Here we go! Heres the final products from our little BE DAZZLING party:

Linda turned a simple sweatshirt into something adorable with fabric flowers, ribbons, and and a few rhinestones for a little sparkle. Didn’t it turn out just gorgeous?

Jessica from Monster cakes went all out. She not only dyed her hoodie from the original grey, and then sewed on the toggles, hearts and patches herself. Cutest thing ever

C’est moi. I kept it really simple with some sparkly rhinestones and fabric glue. I originally wanted to go even bigger with the bow, but I ran out of rhinestones. Oops. You can see the rest of my outfit and more on the sweatshirt on Monday

Old Friends and Wedding Talk


worn on August 21st, 2011

On Sunday, Boo and I met up with my BFF forever,  Ashleebear, for breakfast while she was in town (see Ash - I told you I would talk about you!). Ashlee and her boyfriend Gary just got engaged last week - congrats guys! So yeah, the four of us met up and obviously talked wedding planning the entire time. Our weddings are going to be only two months apart! But, yet again I forgot to take pictures. I guess I get so caught up in talking and catching up that I forget I even have my camera on me. My bad. 

Afterwards, Boo and I went into Boston for a lovely, late morning stroll. We live in a gorgeous city. 

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yellow tank: H&M

blue tank: Gap

skirt: H&M

belt: H&M

necklace: Marc by Marc Jacobs

sunglasses: Buffalo Exchange

bag: THEIT

sandals: Urban Outfitters

New Friends


worn on August 19th, 2011

Well, obviously I can’t get enough of my denim tote. 

I wore this out friday when Boo and I went out with our new friends Haley and Alex. I met Haley at the recent Swap Uncapped, and we got along famously. And then I discovered that her husband is also from Buffalo! So the four of us went out and spent some time around Harvard Square- burgers at Mr. Bartley’s, dessert at Pinkberry, and drinks and a lot of talking outside the Charles Hotel. It was the perfect summer night. And of course I didn’t take any pictures. What kind of blogger am I?

P.S - I wear my shirt half untucked like this because Boo thinks its ridiculous. So obviously I must do it. 

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shirt: thrifted Ralph Lauren

necklace: Anthropologie

jeans: BCBGeneration

bag: c/o Handbag Heaven

shoes: Blowfish

A Little More Denim


worn on August 18th, 2011

I was so excited to open up my package from Handbag Heaven last week and find this lovely denim tote! Obviously, I couldn’t wait to style it up. I’ve been loving a lot of denim lately. Denim on denim, anyone? In fact, I had to resist the urge to put together an entire denim outfit. So I opted for just the lighter colored, chambray shirt instead to let the bag stand out. 

I’m pretty pleased with the bag - its actually pretty sturdy, and very roomy. My only reservation is the leopard print lining. I love me a good leopard print, but it can be done cheese-ily. And I’m on the fence about this one. 

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dress: United Colors of Benetton

chambray shirt: Forever21

belt: H&M

bag: c/o Handbag Heaven

shoes: Steve Madden

In My Life

(Clockwise L-R):

-A surprise delivery from Boo!

-Working on my sweatshirt for the Be DAZZLING party. Don’t forget to email myself or Linda your sweatshirt by friday if you are participating!

-A lovely day walking around Boston. 

-I don’t usually buy many fashion magazines anymore, but I couldn’t resist the giant september issues sitting on the shelves. And a couple wedding ones, of course, for good measure. 

Transition Pieces


worn on August 16th, 2011

I picked this sweater up at Zara (on sale!) a few weeks ago. I thought it would be the perfect transition piece - warm and cozy for upcoming cooler weather, but the gorgeous bright color makes it seem still very much appropriate for summer. 

p.s  - please excuse my greasy bangs. I guess I should’ve done something about that before taking photos. And while I’m at it, I guess its about time I trim them too so I don’t have to keep pushing them to the side. 

p.p.s - Don’t forget about the BE DAZZLING party hosted by myself and Linda! You have until next friday to finish :)

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sweater: Zara

navy tank: Diane von Furstenberg

shorts: JCrew

shoes: Blowfish

clutch: Haberdash Vintage

necklace: made by me - HollyDoll