Day 21 - Theres No Snow Here

November 29th, 2010

cardigan and shirt: JCrew, skirt and belt: Anthropologie, tights: Urban Outfitters, boots: Frye

30 for 30 remix- day 21: So we’re back home. And theres no snow here. Its not even cold. The day before I was wearing my winter coat and hat, standing in snowy grass. And now the sun is shining, and I don’t even really need a jacket at all. 

Sorry for the lack of full length pictures today. I was slacking. Which is sad because I really liked this outfit. I’ll try and do better tomorrow. Pinky promise. 


Day 20 - Lake Effect




November 28th, 2010

top: Forever 21, dress (worn as skirt): H&M, hat: U.O, cardigan: C&C California

30 for 30 challenge- day 20: Ok, it wasn’t snowing at this time. Nor is this a lake. But Buffalo did get its first real snow while we were home. We have that sort of effect. It snowed in Texas last time we were there too. 

I feel like these 2 pieces are getting the most work in this challenge. I wear this shirt with everything, and this is the 3rd different way I’ve figured out how to wear this dress. Its a maxi dress, but not quite floor length. So I belted it around my waist and made it into a skirt. We drove the 8 hours back home this day, and I wanna wear this dress every time I travel. It is so incredibly comfortable. 

These last few pictures look like I am advertising Tim Hortons. Haha. No, i just really love my Timmy-Ho’s. I got it as much as I could while I was home. And if you look closely, you can see that I spilled it all over my shirt. Typical. 



Day 19 - Comfy Cozy


November 27th, 2010

dress: Piko 1988 (purchases at a boutique in Buffalo, NY) , tights: Anthropologie, hat and socks: U.O

30 for 30 remix- day 19: Our last full day home was spent running around visiting different family. We were so busy, before I knew it, it was 8 o clock at night and I still hadn’t taken my photos. 

The other day I wore this dress with a tank over it. So here you go - the dress styled as simple as possible.  


Day 18 - Two For One Special






November 26th, 2010

Sabres tee and hat: Sabres Store, blue shirt and skirt: Forever 21, coat, gloves and tights: U.O, black tee: Gap, headband: Anthropologie, boots: Miu Miu

30 for 30 remix- day 18: I wore two outfits yesterday. One I wore during the day to hang out with the fam and stay cozy, and then I changed into the second to go the Sabres game (with my jersey over top of course). I just changed up the order of the layers on top, and changed from the skirt to jeans.

I was having a lot of fun with these photos. It was fricken freezing but the snow falling was so pretty. I was laughing in almost all the photos from the second set. I had my brother take them and he was really getting into playing photographer. It was pretty hilarious, let me tell you. 

Oh, and p.s - the Sabres won! woo hoo!!!!



Day 16 - On the Road

November 24th, 2010

dress and sunglaasses: H&M, tee: Gap, tights: Express, belt: ?, flats: Chanel, purse: Prada

30 for 30 remix- day 16: Earlier in the day, I tried to take my own pictures. But it was soooo incredibly windy that my camera wouldn’t stay still. Needless to say, it didn’t work out so well. So when boyfriend got home we packed up the car and snapped a few more before hitting the road. They aren’t so glamourous with that truck right behind me. Sorry, we were anxious to get going. But hopefully I’ll be able to get some really good pictures while I’m home!

Anyway, this is what I’m wearing for the long car ride home. Its perfect because once it gets later (and I start to get uncomfortable), I can take off the belt(s) and it is like wearing a night gown. If you can recall, this dress is actually a maxi dress. And I say belts because I am wearing 2. One underneath this little “peplum” i’ve created to hold to dress up higher. And then the floral one on top to (kind of) create the peplum effect. 

And this is me thinking the wind is hilarious, apparently:

Days 14 & 15 - Where Did All My Sunshine Go?



November 22nd, 2010

dress: Piko 1988 (purchases at a boutique in Buffalo, NY) , tank: Franchesca’s Collections, belt: ?, tights: U.O, boots: Miu Miu

30 for 30 remix- day 14: Seriously, I want some sun. Gloomy days make for blah photos.

I thought this outfit was a little out there. The tank over the dress? I wasn’t so sure. And boyfriend definitely wasn’t so sure. He thought it was weird, fo sho. But then I put the purple tights on and I was sold. I prefer kooky, anyway. 

P.S - HP & the Deathly Hallows is just as good the third time as the first two. I’ll keep you posted on how the 4th goes. And yeeeeah, I went to see it all by myself. I’m that person. 


November 23rd, 2010

cardigan: C&C California, bee sweater: U.O, jeans: Gap, shoes: Steve Madden, belt: vintage fabric tape measure

30 for 30 remix- day 15: I was kind of bored with this outfit when i went to take the pictures. I mean, its ivory over ivory. And black. Woo hoo. So I belted it with my grandma’s old fabric tape measure that I had been using to work. Hey, at least its handy. I’ve actually accessorized with it before - I wore it as a headband here. It’s fun. 

Oh! and I learned how to do a fishtail braid for the first time! Its not the best, and incredibly messy, but I’m excited to know how to do it now. I’ll definitely be trying to make it better. 


Day 13- Another One Bites The Dust



November 21st, 2010

tank: Anthropologie, shirt: Forever 21, Cardigan: C&C California, jeans: Gap, boots: Frye

30 for 30 remix- day 13: Today was just a weird day for photos. I tried 3 different spots, tried playing with settings, but I was just not happy with any of them. Eh, just one of those moods. 

We’re not doing much today. It’s Sunday - it’s lazy day. I’ve never layered this shirt like this, with a sweater over top. But its really warm and comfy. I might put my pajama pants back on with it (shhh, I didn’t say that) and I’ll be good for lounging the rest of the day. It’s a sewing, fajitas, and Dexter kind of night. 

P.S - it feels so much farther into the 30 days than it actually is. We’re only about half way through? Man alive. 



Favorites This Week

I’ve been trying to keep up with all my favorite bloggers, and check out as many new friends as i can from Kendi’s remix list. Heres a few of my favorite outfits that I saw this week:


The Daybook, day 7

-Sydney is adorable. Her posts always make me laugh. And I want this vest in the worst way.

Closet Confection, day 12

-Kendra, a fellow Tumblr-er, always pops up in my dashboard and I love to see her outfits. She always looks so put together and polished. Love the grey and gold together here!


Jen Loves Kev, day 7

-Jen talked about this outfit mismatching. I LOVE it. I wouldn’t have even thought about it mismatching at all! I guess I just like mismatched things. I would wear it in a heartbeat. Such fun, bright colors, and some polka dots to top it all off!

What Would a Nerd Wear, day 11

-I have a thing for color. And by looking at this post, It looks like this week its purple. Or at least purple tights. Tania from What Would a Nerd Wear pulls it off so well. I love how the scarf completely transforms the outfit, and it is like having a whole new dress. 


Simply Sunstar, day 7

-I discovered Heather over at Simply Sunstar through Kendi’s remix list (I’m trying to check out as many as I can!). That hat? Adorable. Those tights? adorable. Everything together? Adorable. This is definitely something I would wear. 

Kendi Everyday, day 7

-And lastly we have Kendi. We all know Kendi. We all know how cute she is, I don’t have to tell you. She actually was not happy with this post. She didn’t like her hair, she thought her shirt was sloppy, etc. But I absolutely love it. All I see is one of the cutest outfits ever. Easy and simple, yet so chic at the same time. And the color of those tights? To die for.