Day 30 - Yeah Thats Right, 30


December 7th, 2010

sweatshirt: vintage (ebay), pants: Gap, scarf: Anthropologie, socks: U.O, flats: Chanel

30 for 30 remix- day 30: So, going through my photos for my remix round-up, I realized something. On day 18 I documented 2 different outfits to make up for a missed day, but never counted it. So actually, this post is my 30th outfit. I’ll prove it to you in the round up tomorrow. My bad. I didn’t intend for my last outfit to be all Sabre-ized. I expected it to be more glamourous. But I was caught off guard and didn’t realize I was wearing the last outfit. But hey, It is actually pretty fitting. The Buffalo Sabres basically rule my life. 

I only posted the first photo to prove that I was wearing a 30 item on top. I actually wore my jersey over top all day and then to the game at night. I should probably point out that the game was in Boston, not at home in Buffalo.  A little much? not possible. 

Oh, and we lost. Boo. 


Day 28 - Change Is A Coming



December 6th, 2010

coat and hat: U.O, dress: H&M, shirt: Forever21, socks: Anthropologie, boots: Miu Miu

30 for 30 remix- day 28: Unfortunately, this is the only use I will be getting out of this little birdy dress. Its sad, really. It has so much more potential. But I think I thought of it as my “dressy” piece out of all my items, so I was saving it for when I would need it. And then that day never came. So I never thought to consider dressing it down and making it more casual. Oh well, now I know. 

I’m thinking about changing the name of this blog. I don’t really like what it is now. When I firs created it, I didn’t know what to do so I just slapped it on there. I call my Etsy Shop ‘HollyDoll’, and I think I want to play off that. Ya know, make it more uniform. And eventually I want to get around to changing some of the look of the blog as well. Eventually. 

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Day 27 - Sunday Morning Walk



December 5th, 2010

jacket: Theory, cardigan and tank: Anthropologie, pants: Gap, boots: Frye

30 for 30 remix - day 27:  Phew, I thought Tumblr was going to be down forever. I was all - :(. Fo realz. 

But can we just talk about how all of the sudden there is only a few days left in the challenge?! It feels like just a few days ago I was complaining about it going too slow. And now, BAM, its the end. I have to admit, I’m pretty excited to see the rest of my closet again. Although I could keep going with these items. I still have a list of about 7-8 more combinations. Maybe I should do a 38 for 30. But I wont. Thats just silly. 

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Day 26 - Holly in Wonderland


December 4th, 2010

shirt: Forever21, scarf: NYC street vendor, skirt: Anthropologie, tights: ?, purse and flats: Chanel, coat: Urban Outfitters

30 for 30 remix- day 26: Oh, how colorful. I wasn’t sure about these tights with this outfit. I mean, was it too much blue? But, I ended up liking it. I like my smurf legs. 

We went for a walk in an area we haven’t been yet and I discovered some adorable little shops. When we got home we decorated the apartment for Christmas! Now all I need is a christmas tree…..

I had more full length pictures. But boyfriend took these ones. And boyfriend was standing up on a hill above me. I told him he needed to come down to my level or at least crouch down. But he refused. And so now I have a big head, short legs, and little feet. Oh wells. Now I have proof. Let’s not do that again. 


Day 25 - Magenta Obsession




December 3rd, 2010

top: Diane von Furstenberg, scarf: U.O, gloves: Coach, pants: Gap, boots: Miu Miu

30 for 30 remix - day 25: So I tried another technique, this time courtesy of Sydney’s tutorial ( and tweaked a tiny bit by me). I really like this effect. More so than the last set I played with. I think I going to play around a little more and see. But I really do like these ones. 

I finally played into my recent magenta/ purple obsession. The scarf and the gloves came from completely separate places but the color matches perfectly. I’ve had them for a couple years now and I love wearing them together. 

There was some construction going on at the house across the street from me. One of the construction guys screamed over to me “you taking your own modeling shots?” Just to avoid trying to explain anything, I just said “yeah”. So he said “well, I’ve never seen that before.” And he continued to stand there and watch me. Awkward. 

But anyway, I went and saw HP7. Again. For the fourth time. I know what you’re thinking, I’m the coolest person ever. And yes, it was just as good as times 1, 2, and 3. And then boyfriend and I went out to dinner with his office-mate and his wife. We had Italian. I had risoto. It was good. 

And man, I wrote a lot today. 


Day 24 - Pumpkin Spice Latte


December 2nd, 2010

hat: U.O, cardigan: C&C California, scarf: gift from me seester, belt: Anthropologie, tank: Franchesca’s Collections,  jeans: Gap, shoes: Steve Madden

30 for 30 remix- day 24: I’ve been playing around with Photoshop a bit lately, trying to teach myself how to make those dreamy photos. Filters, layers, masks. I got this. Well, I maaaay have gone a bit overboard with these ones. Or not. I’m not sure. But I’m having fun. 

I remember reading some other’s posts about using a scarf to completely cover up a top or dress, and how it feels kind of like cheating in the challenge. Well, it kind of does. But I like the result. And I swear I’m wearing my butterfly 30 for 30 tank underneath! 

Now, back to my seasonly obsession - my pumpkin spice latte. I’m pretty sure this is like, my 6th one this week. 


Day 23 - Sketchy


December 1st, 2010

 striped tank and denim skirt: Anthropologie, black tee: Gap, tights: Express, flats:Chanel

30 for 30 remix-day 23: Ok, so I didn’t take outfit photos yesterday. It was rainy and yucky all day, and I really didn’t feel like getting all wet and cold while I try to take my own pictures with a self timer. But I did sketch the outfit! I was in the mood for some sketching (more later), so I figured I’d throw in my outfit. To be honest, because of the icky weather I didn’t stay in the outfit for very long. I was back in my pajamas as soon as possible.  

Day 22 - These are a few of my favorite things



November 30th, 2010

tee: Splendid (via Anthropologie), skirt: Forever 21, tights: Anthropologie, boots: Frye, coat: U.O

30 for 30 remix- day 22: I love my charm necklace. And I love sweater tights. And I love this skirt. How many times have I worn it so far in the challenge? Probably not as many times as I think, but I feel like I can wear it with anything. 




Day 21 - Theres No Snow Here

November 29th, 2010

cardigan and shirt: JCrew, skirt and belt: Anthropologie, tights: Urban Outfitters, boots: Frye

30 for 30 remix- day 21: So we’re back home. And theres no snow here. Its not even cold. The day before I was wearing my winter coat and hat, standing in snowy grass. And now the sun is shining, and I don’t even really need a jacket at all. 

Sorry for the lack of full length pictures today. I was slacking. Which is sad because I really liked this outfit. I’ll try and do better tomorrow. Pinky promise. 


Day 20 - Lake Effect




November 28th, 2010

top: Forever 21, dress (worn as skirt): H&M, hat: U.O, cardigan: C&C California

30 for 30 challenge- day 20: Ok, it wasn’t snowing at this time. Nor is this a lake. But Buffalo did get its first real snow while we were home. We have that sort of effect. It snowed in Texas last time we were there too. 

I feel like these 2 pieces are getting the most work in this challenge. I wear this shirt with everything, and this is the 3rd different way I’ve figured out how to wear this dress. Its a maxi dress, but not quite floor length. So I belted it around my waist and made it into a skirt. We drove the 8 hours back home this day, and I wanna wear this dress every time I travel. It is so incredibly comfortable. 

These last few pictures look like I am advertising Tim Hortons. Haha. No, i just really love my Timmy-Ho’s. I got it as much as I could while I was home. And if you look closely, you can see that I spilled it all over my shirt. Typical.