I pretty much say this every time, but I think that this is my favorite handmade wardrobe piece to date. I'm crazy about the off-the-shoulder trend (as is everyone else right now), and this starry print fabric that I've had in my stash for awhile was just screaming at me to be made into a chic little dress. So ta-daaaaaaaa. I shall call her Vera. 

P.S - If you can see my little necklace is in the photo below, and know what it is and what Vera and this post title is in reference to, we can be best friends. #fangirl

dress: handmade (self drafted)

sunglasses: Warby Parker

Serenity necklace: Stern Design Works

sandals: thrifted


Another jumpsuit. Another denim jacket / vest. Another tatty tattoo placed in the same exact spot on my arm. It's pretty obvious what some of my favorite things are at the moment. 

I wore this last week when we went to see Dashboard Confessional in concert. How many of you listened to Dashboard in high school / college? Yeah, me too. And I still do. In fact, to this day, Chris Carrabba is still one of my absolute favorites. I love that man. And this was my ninth time seeing him live! That beautiful voice soothes me like no other. 

jumpsuit: (similar)

jacket: H&M (similar)

tattoo: Tattly

purse: Accessorize

shoes: Urban Outfitters


Hey, all Boston and New England friends!

I'll be hosting a DIY workshop at Lou & Grey Natick this weekend, and you're invited! We'll be making rope knot bracelets (simple, easy to do versions of my shopHollyDolly knot bracelets), and also enjoying some sips and snacks. I'll even help you pick out a new outfit if you'd like! The latest collection is perfection - you don't want to miss it. 

If you can make it this Saturday -  June 27th, from 2-5, then RSVP to hope to see you there!


Just a quick update for those that follow along with shopHollyDolly .... I've closed the shop temporarily. I've got some fun in the works, like new materials and even new items, but along with that comes things like permanent price adjustments, etc. I'll be back soon with a new organized and standardized shopHollyDolly, and I'll debut those new items (sneak peek in the picture above!).