
Meet my posse: Winston, Sinclair, Sloan, Marlowe, and Jasper. 

I’m a glasses girl. I wear them every day. No really, every day. I hate contacts, and only wear them once or twice a year for specific occasions. So I take my frames collection very seriously. I mean, come one, they’re just like all other accessories. I don’t own just one necklace, or one pair of shoes. So why should I have only one pair of glasses? I match my frames to my outfit, so I need variety. And yeah, having a Warby Parker store so close is kind of dangerous for me, but I’m completely obsessed with them. 

When they’re on my face, I sometimes forget they are there. But I get a lot of questions about them. So I thought, for those of you interested, I would talk a little about my seeing eye friends :)….


Warby Parker, Sloan - These are the newest addition to my collection (thanks to a christmas gift card from my brother!) I absolutely adore the red color. Pops of red are my favorite pops :) (see me in them here). 

Warby Parker,Winston - Winston was my very first pair of Warbys, and they have a special place in my heart. I think they are the boldest on my collection, shape wise. They’re big and square, and have a pretty thick frame (see me in them here and here and here).  

Warby Parker,Jasper - I don’t know how I ever lived without prescription sunglasses. Seriously. If you wear glasses, but don’t have prescript sunglasses, you really need to look into it. It’s a life changer (see me in them here and here). 

BonLookMarlowe - Oh Marlowe. Marlowe doesn’t get nearly as much wear as they deserve. I should remedy that. The blue is SO pretty. And they are my only pair of Bonlook frames. For no reason other than Warby is nearby and more convenient. Unfortunately, I don’t think the Marlowe frames are available anymore (see me in them here and here and here). 

Warby Parker,Sinclair - Definitely my ‘every day’ frames. My go-to frames. I’m pretty sure they go with everything (see me in them here and here). 


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And now, for even more frames! These are a few more that I’m coveting, above.

Warby Parker’s Durand (#3) came in a close second when I recently purchased my red Sloans. And I’ve been obsessed with the Woow Rock Me frames (#1) from Vizio Optic ever since I wore them in their fall Lookbook. Sadly, they are just way too out of my budget :(. But Rivet and Sway’s Tilda frames (#6) look pretty similar in shape, too! 

So tell me, my fellow four eyes, what are your favorite frames?


Rust and Teal


I’m determined to start incorporating my outerwear into my outfit posts more. I’ve also collected a lot more winter coats than I have any other winter season to date. I guess I just really don’t want to freeze as much this year.  So if my coat is actually part of my outfit, and not just thrown on top of said outfit, I may be able to survive this winter blogging season. Maybe. We’ll see. 

I’ll keep you posted. 






coat: DKNY

sweater: SheInside

shirt: Urban Outfitters

pants: Forever21

glasses: BonLook

clutch: c/o UnCommon Goods

pumps: Nine West

I Wanna Wear That....


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An American Girl


Happy Fourth of July, my American friends! Today, I give you my obligatory red, white and blue outfit. Oh, who am I kidding - I love it. I had a few color themed outfits picked out, and this one won. But I’ll probably still share the others at a later date. 

I hope all of you have a super fun and safe day/weekend! I am off visiting family for part of today, before heading to a friends bridal weekend. This time last year, I was prepping last minute details for our wedding, and now I get to help one of my BFFs do the same. It’s going to be a really busy and travel filled next few days, but it would’t be July 4th weekend without it! 







bustier: Urban Outfitters
denim jacket: H&M
headband: random scrap of fabric
glasses: Bonlook
necklace: gift from my aunt
bracelet: inPink
shorts: Forever21
bag: H&M
shoes: c/o Big Buddha

Summer Lust List


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My wish list addiction strikes again. This time, I’m craving sunshine, warm weather, and lots of floral. I’m picturing strolling through farmers markets and vintage markets, dinner dates on outdoor terraces, and mid-day ice cream breaks. 

Sounds about perfect.

Lust List : Glasses


Lately, I’ve been obsessed with the idea of getting another pair of glasses. I wear mine, and would love to have different options. I mean glasses are just another accessory, right? I don’t own just one necklace, or one pair of shoes, to go with every outfit. Right? Right - or at least, in my head.

 So, after my eye exam today, I’m going to order some! And then I’m hoping to ask for one or two more for christmas. Because I’m really that obsessed. And they are all oh, so pretty. How could I pick just one?

1. BonLook - Smoking Hot

2. Warby Parker - Sinclair

3. EyeFly - Krakovska

4. BonLook - Bonnie & Clyde

5. Warby Parker - Preston

6. EyeFly - Calle de Serrano