Penny's first camping trip // Acadia National Park

Zach and I have been making a couple of trips each summer to Acadia to camp (see previous years), but this is the first time taking Penny. I was a little nervous about it, you know, tent camping with a 14 month old. But it wasn't quite as bad as I thought! Girl looooooves being outside. And could just play with and collect rocks all day long. And she did great hiking. 

Sleep was.... ok. She didn't take naps. Only quick cat naps in the car and carrier. And man, I know why we don't co-sleep (props to those that do!). P moved around so much, and would wake up and just want to play with us in the middle of the night. I mean, at least there was no screaming and crying. So it definitely could've been A LOT worse. But when we go back next month, we will be trading in our tiny little tent for a larger one that fits a pack and play.

But really, it was an awesome quick little trip. Take your baby on adventures! Even if it seems impossible or like too much work. Do it. I promise it will be worth it. 

If anyone has any questions about what we used for her or how we did things, let me know!


Sorry for the photo overload, but we got so many awesome pictures on our camping trip last weekend and it was super hard to narrow them down. Sure, it was a ridiculously cold at night and we froze our butts off in that little tent, but Acadia and Bar Harbor more than made up for it with it's beauty and sunshine during the day. 

P.S - you can see a few night shots form our camping trip last year here (I restrained myself that time). 


Boo and I spent a few days this past weekend up in Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park, ME. We hiked, did some night kayaking in bioluminescent water, and even got a night of camping in! We actually picked the perfect weekend for it. Perfectly clear sky for star gazing, and a fall chill in the air at night (but not too cold). 

I'll share some more photos from the rest of the weekend soon!