Mama & her Little

Sometimes the bathroom just gets the best light ;).

So you know how me and P adore Mama & Little. Well now they have paci clips that match all your favorite teething necklaces and bracelets! Which is perfect because P just so happened to lose her clip recently, and you know she can't go anywhere without that thing nearby. Oh, and these tees are available, too! I'm completely obsessed matching with my little. My little Mama heart could just burst when we wear these together. 


In collaboration with Twistshake.

P was such a ham while taking these photos, I couldn't stop snapping. Waving and laughing at the daycare kids out for their walk, taking sips of her water and saying "MMMmmm" with the funniest face. This kid, man. And she was loving her water so much because it tastes like strawberries! Have you heard about Twistshake? They make sippy cups in different sizes with a "fruit mixer" to infuse fruit into their water or milk. They also make bottles with a mixer net to catch and dissolve clumps. 

If you want to try one out, you can use discount code hollyjollydolly20 for 20% off.

P's outfit:

dress: Old Navy

turban: Nelly Lou

Moccs: Freshly Picked

Cup: c/o Twistshake