It’s easy to forget sometimes that Providence is just an hours drive away from Boston. It’s so close! And we’d never been. So we decided to take a mini weekend getaway for the 4th/our anniversary. It was SUCH a good weekend, you guys. We did so much. I’m just gonna leave it here in bullet points. If you are ever in Providence, I would recommend every single one of these things! So, we:
» explored Brown University in the rain. What a pretty campus!
» got up close in personal with the State House.
» visited the RISD art museum and got lost for a couple of hours.
» satisfied our food truck love with Radish for lunch (delicious), and Haven Brothers for late night milkshakes.
» sat along the Providence river, soaking in the sunshine and the city view.
» stumbled upon the cutest cafe, Cable Car, that has a little theater in the back with love-seat couches for seats. We watched A Hard Day’s Night!
» grabbed some to-go pizza’s from Pizza Pi-er, layed a blanket out in the park, and listened to a free concert put on by the Providence Philharmonic Orchestra. And then finished it off with some fireworks, of course!
» visited the Roger Williams Park and the Roger Williams Park Zoo. You guys, we fed giraffes! My life is now complete.