Hey guys, happy black friday/small business saturday/cyber monday! Just wanted to pop in and let you know I've added a small holiday collection to the shop with some festive reds and metallics in your favorite bow necklaces and card holders.

And from today through monday, you can use the code HAPPYHOLLYDAYS14 to get 20% off your shopHollyDolly purchase! Woohoo!

Also, based on the USPS suggested holiday shipping deadline dates, my Christmas shipping dates are as follows:

international: Dec. 2nd

military: Dec. 10th

domestic: Dec. 18th

Of course, this does not guarantee delivery by Dec. 25th. But it is a suggested guideline. Happy shopping, and thank you for supporting small businesses!


** all of the above has been Henry approved **

1. cat ear baseball cap by Kate Spade - 2. tee shirt by Thug Life Shirts - 3. cat necklace from ASOS - 4. tabby pillow from Modcloth - 5. cat purse from ASOS - 6. Melissa + Karl Lagerfeld ultra girl cat flats from ShopBop - 7. how to make your cat an internet celebrity from Modcloth - 8. paw mug from Modcloth - 9. onesie pajamas from Forever21 - 10. cat vanity mirror from Urban Outfitters - 11. animal clothes hangers from Urban Outfitters

And because it was so hard narrowing down what to include, here's a few more fun options:

- this dress

- this sweatshirt

-this other sweatshirt

- these gloves

-this travel mug

- and this art print


You all know about my coat obsession. Well, at the beginning of this season, I became obsessed with the idea of a pink one. I searched high and low and finally settled on this affordable version from Forever21. It's not the warmest coat in the world, but it sure is pretty, isn't it?

scarf: thrifted

sunglasses: Warby Parker

coat: Forever21

dress: thrifted Old Navy

clutch: c/o Boden

heels: Shoemint


Usually, I'm the type of person who waits until after Thanksgiving to even think about anything Christmas related. I'm the one always whining "but it's too eeeeeeearly!" 

A little over a week ago, Boston Bloggers held their Home For The Holidays event at the offices. And man oh man, did it give me all the holiday warm and fuzzes. Even though it was only the beginning of November. The day was filled with crafting and party planning tips, sprinkled in with some real blog talk. Heather Armstrong of Docce was there to open up the day with a key note (that girl is hilarious), and we also wen't in depth about SEO with the Wayfair team. Abby Larson, the founder of Style Me Pretty, was on hand to talk about setting the perfect tabletop styling, we made gift tags and holiday buntings, and talked menu planning for the holidays, too. 

Thanks Allison and Kate for putting together the perfect event (as usual!) And thanks to Wayfair for hosting and providing the cutest little gifts for us under your tree :)

last photo by Surabhi of Third Eye Chic. See all of her amazing photos from the event here


The back of this sweater makes me sing. I literally gasped when I saw it. In fact, it didn't even make it to the sales floor before I snatched it up in my size. Homegirl doesn't mess around. 

But seriously, can't you picture it fully unzipped, all the way to the top, layered over a lacy-back blouse? Or even a cute little lace bandeau? Ugh, THE POSSIBILITIES. 

hat: ah. I don't remember.

glasses: Warby Parker

sweater: Lou & Grey // Loft

skirt: Loft

necklace: shopHollyDolly



---- ONE ---- TWO ---- THREE ---- FOUR ---- FIVE ---- SIX ---- SEVEN ---- NINE ---- TEN ---- ELEVEN ---- TWELVE ---- THIRTEEN ----  ---- FOURTEEN ---- FIFTEEN ---- SIXTEEN ----

I have a thing for coats. If you didn't know. I have a bajillion of them. Because if it's going to be freezing, and I have to bundle up, at least I have a variety of super cute outerwear to choose from.

But even with my large collection, I still wish that I could add every single one of these to my closet.