
worn on June 27th, 2011

Fact: When I take photos in front of this door, it means we went grocery shopping. Exciting, I know. 


Fact: When I wear my bangs pulled back like this, it means I haven’t washed my hair. Scratch that - I definitely haven’t washed my hair. 


Fact: I like these colors together. True story. 

tank and dress: H&M

headband: Anthropologie

sandals: Urban Outfitters

Hot Hot Hot (Pink)

worn on June 25th, 2011

Sometimes when I’m walking down the street, deciding which house to take photos in front of, I make my choice based on which one has flowers that match my outfit. Obvs. 

Boo and I started out our saturday with a trip to the hospital to get my stitches taken out. As you can tell, from that awesomely fashionable hospital bracelet I forgot to cut off. But then we spent a lot of time walking around Harvard and Porter Square. I kept it kind of simple, and warmer, because it was a bit chilly still from all the rain recently. 

I’m loving this hot pink for summer!

top: Anthropologie


belt: Express

sandals: Urban Outfitters

The Good Kind Of Rainy Days

Worn on June 24th, 2011

We’ve had another few days of pretty rainy weather around here. Usually, I don’t like days like these. But these have been some pretty good ones. This week I’ve spent almost all my time in comfy sweatshirts, drinking coffee, and sewing away while netflix-ed Dexter episodes play next to me. 

You see, I wanted a second outfit for our engagement shoot coming up. But after weeks and weeks of searching for the perfect dress, I just couldn’t find something I wanted. So it finally dawned on me to just make something myself. If I wouldn’t thought of this earlier, I would’ve designed and drafted something myself. But seeing as I now only have a short amount of time, I decided to go with a commercial pattern. And I’m loving the way its looking so far. 

sweatshirt: VictoriasSecret.com

neon tank: H&M

jeans: BCBGeneration

bow necklace: made by me - HollyDoll

bunting necklace: Little Pancakes

shoes: vintage

clockwise from top left

- in the beginning

- my little sewing buddies :)

- I realized all of the mugs I own have something to do with WNY/home. I’ve had this baby for the longest time. 

- almost done! this photo is deceiving. the skirt portion is actually just pinned together. I was getting impatient and wanted an idea of what the finished product would look like. don’t worry, you’ll get to see the real thing soon!

What I Wore: What I Wore Book Giveaway!

Heeeeey, did you know that Jessica, of What I Wore, has a book coming out? It is going to be fantastic. And GUESS WHAT? She is giving away 10 signed copies of the book, so you should go check it out!


WhatIWore: With just two weeks until the What I Wore book hits shelves, I’m reaching out to you to help me spread the word.

I’ll be giving away 10 signed copies of What I Wore: Four Seasons, One Closet, Endless Recipes for Personal Style plus a personalized illustration (of…

Over The Weekend: SoWa Edition

worn on June 19th, 2011

Sunday was an absolutely lovely day. I’ve been dying to visit the SoWa market ever since I first heard about it, and this weekend I got my chance! And just my luck, Amy and the Haberdash were going to be there. Even more my luck, it was a gorgeous sunny day. 

At the end of the day, I walked away with a little vintage straw clutch, a fun geometric/ bunting necklace, and some new sewing patterns. Oh and I had a frozen milky way latte. De.lic.ious. 

top and head scarf: thrifted - Buffalo Exchange

shorts: thrifted and DIY-ed

sunglasses: Urban Outfitters

shoes: TOMS

And now for the market……

The wonderful Haberdash.

My haberdash tote from the lovely Amy - some adorable artwork for sale - Roxy’s grilled cheese food truck… mm mm mmmmmm

And then my camera died. Of course. 

New Found Love

worn on June 17th, 2011

Most days I like my outfit, every once in a while… I love it. This outfit = love. I picked up this skirt in the most adorable little vintage shop right around the corner from me. If you’re from Boston, you already know about Artifaktori. But I lived here for about nine months and didn’t know it even existed. You’re not going to be able to keep me away from there now. 

shirt: Forever21

skirt: Vintage - via Artifaktori

purple necklace: Anthropologie

bow necklace: made by me, being added to the shop soon

shoes: H&M

The poor little pinky….

Stitches and Stitches

worn on June 15th, 2011

stitches #1: I mentioned the other day that I’ve been sewing a lot again. Well this top is something I’ve been working on. Polka dots and ruffles = my dream shirt. I can’t decide whether I want to keep it for myself or put it up for sale in my etsy shop. Actually, I wanna try this design out in a few other fabrics I have. So maybe after a few design adjustments (the neckline is a little lower than I would like) and construction changes, you may see a few of these babies in the shop. 

stitches #2: If you follow me on twitter you might have seen this last night. But not too long after these photos were taken, I had a little accident. I was making dinner, and the sneaky little knife slipped while I was chopping onions. It hurt. Bad. Long story short - I ended up in the ER and now have 5 stitches in my little baby pinky finger. Not only did I hurt myself, but the freakin’ Bruins won the Stanley Cup :/ Lets just say… I’m not a fan. It was a bad night, obvs. 

top: made by me

bandeau, pants, and sandals: Urban Outfitters

rectangle bracelet: Fusing Colors

flower bracelet: Janet Rhodes - Cleveland, OH