Love, the Darlings.
(P.S - see 2013-2016 here)
Penny's outfit: c/o Lulu & Roo
my sweater: Urban Outfitters (old)
Henry's cat sweater: Rockin Dogs & Cool Cats
Love, the Darlings.
(P.S - see 2013-2016 here)
Penny's outfit: c/o Lulu & Roo
my sweater: Urban Outfitters (old)
Henry's cat sweater: Rockin Dogs & Cool Cats
I feature Penny's outfits on Instagram all the time, but I just had to show you this one here, too. Lulu & Roo sent us over this freakin' adorable matching sweatsuit, and omg you guys, I jus't CAN'T. EVEN. Probably my favorite outfit on her ever. And the comfiest looking. You know how you always say, 'I wish they made that in my size' when looking at kids clothes? Yeah, well, Lulu and Roo does. And I think I'm going to need that now, too.
Also, I don't think I've ever shared pictures of her nursery on here, so here's a peek. You can see some more on Instagram under #seepennysroom.
You guys, I am so in love with this bag. As much as I liked the look of our last diaper bag, it just wasn't working for us like I wanted it to. It was always a hot mess. Everything was just shoved in there wherever there was room. Bottles were in one pocket, formula was buried in the bottom of the main compartment under diapers and toys and blankets, burp cloth in another pocket. Bla.
Enter Pacapod. They have this brilliant design that involves two small pod bags inside the main bag. One insulated pod for feeding, another designed for diapering. They fit perfectly inside the main bag, but easily come out and can also be used individually (even have their own straps so they can be attached to your stroller by themselves!). Out to eat and need to head to the restroom to change a diaper? Just grab the changer pod instead of lugging the whole bag with you. Genius!
When Pacapod offered to send me an Oban bag to try out, I literally squealed with excitement! I've been desperately wanting a diaper backpack to be hands-free. Since I actually usually wear P in a carrier when we are out, a backpack made so much more sense. The Oban can convert from a messenger bag to a backpack. So its nice to have that option. We've been out a handful of times now with this bag, and I'm loving it so far! We're staying a lot more organized and efficient than we were before.
If there is one negative I've found (and it might just be with this style. They offer so many great options!), its that there isn't much room in the bag for extra items with both pods in there. You can put an extra outfit in the changing pod. And small toys, keys, wallet, etc. fit well in the front pockets. But there is no where to put, say, a light blanket or my Solly Baby wrap. It hasn't been too much of an issue yet, though. Especially since we've been trying to pack lighter and lighter as P gets older. So maybe it's a good thing, haha.
Here's a breakdown of what we are actually able to fit in there, though:
Feeding pod - two (Comotomo) bottles, formula/snack dispenser, squeeze pouch, spoon, and bib.
Diapering pod - handful of diapers, wipes case, change of clothes, diaper cream, travel size hand sanitizer. (changing pad is included, too!)
Other pockets: Covered Goods cover, Sophie, wooden toy, paci and clip, mittens, baby sunglasses, my wallet, phone, and keys.
Pacapod offered me their product in exchange for a review, but all thoughts are my own.
bonus, here's a happy baby in a swing:
I got a 'Mama Day off' this past weekend, when Zach was on baby all day and I was free to do whatever I wanted. It was my first full day to myself since Penny was born. So what did I do? I headed into Harvard Square to try on all the clothes at Anthropologie, of course. Including this jumpsuit. And man, this jumpsuit kind of reminded me of toddler clothing (lol), but I was also obsessed with it and never wanted to take it off. So it came home with me. And I immediately put it back on for the rest of the day. Best purchase in forever.
jumpsuit: Anthropologie
cardigan: ugh I don't know. Ive had it forever
necklace: Mama & Little (use code HOLLY for 15% off)
booties: DSW