happy valentine's day!
Love, the Darlings.
Put A Bow On It
If you follow me on Instagram, this will be old news for you. But I realized I never made any acknowledgment to it here on the blog. So, TA-DA, I'm growing a baby!
I'm currently 24 weeks along and due towards the end of May. Oh yeah, and it's a girl! The first few months were rough. Real rough. Hence the absence from this here blog/social media/life. The all day sickness was no joke. I actually had Hyperemis Gravidarum, and don't wish it on anyone. BUT, all that is past now, and I've been feeling so much better. I have a really hard time sleeping through the night, every night, but I'll take that over the sickness any day.
We're just moving right along, preparing for baby's arrival. She's looking good, sounding good, and providing us with all normal test results. And in the meantime, the little super-human ninja warrior is moving around A LOT. And kicking me. A lot.
It might be the chocolate. Baby girl really likes chocolate.