Day 26- Dollhouse

Worn on  February 27th, 2011

sweater: Forever21, shorts: JCrew, tights: Anthropologie, headband: made by me, belt: Coach, boots: Vince Camuto

30 for 30 remix- day 26: I kinda feel like a little doll in this outfit. Maybe its the baby pink, or the giant bow, or the girly florals. Or you know, all of it. But I like being girly. I like big bows and florals. And I kinda miss being a little girl playing with my dolls and having tea parties. What, just because I’m 23 means I can’t still dress like I’m 8? I mean, I still make forts in my living room, so why not :)

Day 25- Laundry Day

Worn on February 26th, 2011

tank: NY&Company, tee: Urban Outfitters, skirt: American Apparel, tights: Anthropologie, boots: Forever21

30 for 30 remix- day 25: Yes, you are seeing this correctly. I took my outfit pictures in a laundromat. And there were other people in there. And it was weird. Fo realz weird. But it was laundry day, and we had a lot of other stuff to get done that day. So laundromat it was. 

And I’m finally at that point where I’m really sick of my 30 items. It took me long enough. But, there are only 5 more days left, so I guess I just need to suck it up. 

Fort Boo

I didn’t take outfit pictures yesterday. In fact, I never even got out of my pajamas. I did do this though:

Thats right, I made a fort. Boo and I spent the evening eating pigs in a blanket, chips, and milkshakes. We played bananagrams and watched the Sabres game ( they won! woo hoo!). And you know what, we still have the fort up, and will probably keep it up all weekend. Because we are that cool.

Day 24 - Big Fat Cheater

Worn on February 24th, 2011

sweater: Gap via Buffalo Exchange, skirt: Anthropologie, scarf: Urban Outfitters, tights: Express, boots: Vince Camuto

30 for 30 remix- day 24: I wore this outfit yesterday for…. shopping. There, I said it. I’m a big fat cheater - I broke the no shopping ban for the 30 for 30. And you know what, I don’t feel bad about it! I got some pretty cool stuff, If I do say so myself. Including a floor length mint green 70’s dress and vintage navy wool shorts. I mean, I didn’t plan on breaking the rule. I went out for a quick trip to rite aid when I decided I really wanted some Starbucks. And to get to Starbucks I had to walk by Buffalo Exchange. So I told myself I would just go in and look around. But then something happened- for the first time I was finding some awesome vintage pieces in Buffalo Exchange. That never happens to me.  So obviously I couldn’t pass them up. You understand, right?

Day 23 - Holy Color!

Worn on February 23rd, 2011

tee and tights: Urban Outfitters, skirt: DVF (sample sale), scarf: NYC street vendor, flower pin: Anthropologie, shoes: Christian Louboutin

30 for 30 remix - day 23: I have to admit something - I didn’t have anywhere to go yesterday. But for the sake of finishing up this last week of the challenge, I put this outfit together for ya. And man alive is there some color here! Some may like it, some may not. But I love it. I would wear this much color every day if I had enough of it in my closet. 

P.S - I’ve thought about it and I’m 99% sure these are going to be the colors of my wedding. Or at least something similar to them.

P.P.S - If there is one phrase I say way too often it is “man alive!” Its such an odd saying. I mean, what does it even mean?!

Day 22 - This Is More Like It

Worn on February 22nd, 2011

sweater & skirt: Anthropologie, shirt: Urban Outfitters, tights: Target, boots: Forever21

30 for 30 remix- day 22: Well thats a lot better. I feel more me in this outfit! My last few outfits have been kinda blah to me. Not bad, just not up to par compared to the other outfits I’ve put together. Kelsey had mentioned to me in one of the posts about wanting each days outfit to be better than the one before, and how that doesn’t always happen. It is so true! Especially working with the 30 for 30 - not all of the outfits are going to be stand-out. But I feel I’ve gotten myself out of that little funk. I really like this outfit. Colorful and fun.

So, my outfit is up to my standards, I feel fully adjusted to being back home, and I even had my motivation back to get some new projects going! I made a few new bows (which will be up soon), made a few patterns for new clothing items, and even started a new ReStyle project (also up soon).

P.S - I would like to thank Danielle from Merriweather Council for including one of my bow headbands in her weekly favorites. Go check out her blog, and her etsy shop! And I would also like to thank all the lovely etsians who have included me in their treasuries lately. They are all gorgeous!

Day 21 - Minnie Mouse

Worn on February 21st, 2011

tee and pants: Urban Outfitters, tank: NY&Company, scarf: NYC street vendor, boots: Forever21, headband: made by me

30 for 30 remix- day 21: I was feeling a little better than I was on saturday. But I was still cold, and still feeling a little bit off from traveling. And I think my subconscious was reminding me of how I wish I was still in Orlando - I’m dressed a little Minnie Mouse-y… yes? I didn’t realize it until I looked at the photos. But who doesn’t love a little bright red and polka dots?

P.S - follow me on Twitter? and Bloglovin’?

Day 20 - Not Impressed

Worn on February 20th, 2011

sweater: Forever21, blazer: Express, jeans: BCBGeneration, boots: Vince Camuto, purse: Anthropologie, headband: Urban Outfitters

30 for 30 remix- day 20: Oh boy. The first full day back in Boston and I was reeeeally not wanting to get dressed. Or go outside. Or give my ring up for a week. all I wanted to do was sit on the couch with my bridal magazines and the remote as I caught up on all our shows in the dvr. But alas, we had to go to the jewelers and grocery store (we had literally no food left in the house when we got home). So I forced myself to put on clothes. I wasn’t to impressed with the outfit, and I was really cold. As you probably can tell - I don’t look too happy in that first photo. But it works. And I managed to get through it. 

And now, I am sitting on the couch with my coffee and magazines, and the last couple episodes of Shameless, Glee, and Greys Anatomy. Woo hoo!

Day 19 - Layer Layer Layer

Worn on February 19th, 2011

sweater: Express, shirt: Gap via Buffalo Exchange, necklaces: made by me, jeans: BCBGeneration, shoes: Madden Girl, sunglasses: H&M

30 for 30 remix- day 19: Oh man, I was so sad to leave Florida. So sunny. So warm. So incredibly warm that I was dying in this outfit during these photos. I was actually wearing 3 layers, but you can only see two.  But I had reasons. 1. I had to wear many layers because I was running out of room in my luggage 2. I knew when we arrived in Boston that it would no longer be 80 degrees, but rather a lovely 21 degrees. And these shoes? I was also probably crazy for wearing these to the airport and on the plane. But again, I was having packing issues and these took up the most room! Haha.