Oh, hey! Long time, no see. I've been having a bit of technical difficulties, but it looks like I'm finally back up and running! Here's a little of what you missed:
- I dropped my computer and busted my hard drive. Almost lost everything. Cried. Had someone work some magic. Didn't lose everything. Did a happy dance.
- I celebrated my 28th birthday two weeks ago! There was a trip to the zoo, Shake Shack, and a berry pie involved.
- Boo and I also celebrated our 10 year anniversary (10 years together, almost 3 years married). Thats right, a whole decade.
- Fresh came to town with their #freshbluebox and I'm now head over heels in love with the brand. More on that later.
- Spring is here, and life is full of flowers and bike rides and frappuccinos.
- Don't forget that you can follow along on instagram (@hollyjollydolly) and not miss anything!